Med Genius
Medical code lookup for ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, HCPCS, SNOMED and more.
Popular specifications
2025- CodesComing soon
2025- CodesComing soon
- ModifiersComing soon
Product highlights
Spend less time searching and more time coding (or hitting the beach). Our app delivers a best-in-class code search experience unmatched on the web.
Multimodal Search
Instantly search across codes, terms, indexes and tables at the same time with our proprietary UI—and drill down directly inside the search results.
Lightning Fast
Built for speed using the latest search technology—see results in real-time, no more wasted clicks.
Skip the Click
Hotkeys? Check. Search from anywhere with Ctrl+K on Windows or Cmd+K on a Mac to save time and clicks.
Why Trust Us?
Verifiable Sources
Our application data is sourced directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we just provide a better search interface.
Algorithmic Accuracy
We’ve spent over a 1000 hours cleaning and interlinking the data using custom scripts to provide real-time, accurate results for every search.
Always Up-to-date
Codes change, and we track the changes in detail. See a code’s history on every page, and drill down into the specific updates by year.
Searchable datasets
- Active
2025 - Coming Soon
2025 - Coming Soon
2025 - Coming Soon
2025 - Coming Soon
In-house R+D
Original research, resources and insights on top trends, statistics and topics in the ever evolving healthcare and medical industries.

Discover the 17 key statistics that are transforming the future of work in healthcare, from advances in AI drug discovery to demographic shifts to sector job growth.

Prepare for ICD-11 with our comprehensive guide for healthcare professionals. Learn about the key changes, implementation timeline, and how this new coding system will impact your practice.
Explore 75+ Healthcare Careers, Salaries and Growth Trends (2024)
Thinking of a career in healthcare? Looking to level up your game? Discover your options (and your prospects) with our career hub.

Our products
Looking to supplement or enhance your application with medical code data? Explore our products offering data licensing and API integrations.
Data Licensing
Interested in licensing our data? Let us know your use case and desired format using the link below.
Contact usAPI Integration
Looking to integrate our data into your product or HMS? Great, let’s chat—contact us using the link below.
Contact us