
T67.0 Heatstroke and sunstroke

  • Non-billable
  • 2016–2024

T67.0 is a non-billable/non-specific diagnosis code from the 2024 ICD-10-CM used to classify the following condition: Heatstroke and sunstroke.

Use additional code

  • Code(s) to identify any associated complications of heatstroke, such as:

    • Coma and stupor (R40.-)

    • Rhabdomyolysis (M62.82)

    • Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (R65.1-)



  1. 2024

    No changes

  2. 2023

    No changes

  3. 2022

    No changes

  4. 2021

    No changes

  5. 2020

    Code changed

    • Inclusion term

        • Heat apoplexy
        • Heat pyrexia
        • Siriasis
        • Thermoplegia
    • Use additional code

        • code(s) to identify any associated complications of heatstroke, such as:
        • coma and stupor (R40.-)
        • systemic inflammatory response syndrome (R65.1-)
        • code(s) to identify any associated complications of heatstroke, such as:
        • coma and stupor (R40.-)
        • rhabdomyolysis (M62.82)
        • systemic inflammatory response syndrome (R65.1-)
  6. 2019

    No changes

  7. 2018

    No changes

  8. 2017

    No changes

  9. 2016

    New code