
I16.1 Hypertensive emergency

  • Billable
  • 2017–2025

I16.1 is a billable/specific diagnosis code from the 2025 ICD-10-CM used to classify the following condition: Hypertensive emergency.

Use additional code

  • Code, if applicable, to identify specific organ dysfunction, such as:


  1. 2025

    Code changed

    • Use additional code

        • code, if applicable, to identify specific organ dysfunction, such as:
        • acute kidney injury (N17.-)
        • acute myocardial infarction (I21.-)
        • acute pulmonary edema (left and/or right ventricular failure) (J81.0, I50.-)
        • aortic dissection (I71.0-)
        • cerebral hemorrhage (I60.-. I61.-, I62.-)
        • cerebral infarction (I63.-)
        • eclampsia (O15.-)
        • hypertensive encephalopathy (I67.4)
        • seizure (R56.9)
  2. 2024

    No changes

  3. 2023

    No changes

  4. 2022

    No changes

  5. 2021

    No changes

  6. 2020

    No changes

  7. 2019

    No changes

  8. 2018

    No changes

  9. 2017

    New code