
T80-T88 Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified

  • Non-billable
  • 2016–2024

Use additional code

  • Code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5)

Type 2 excludes

  • Any encounters with medical care for postprocedural conditions in which no complications are present, such as:

    • Artificial opening status (Z93.-)

    • Closure of external stoma (Z43.-)

    • Fitting and adjustment of external prosthetic device (Z44.-)

    • Burns and corrosions from local applications and irradiation (T20-T32)

    • Complications of surgical procedures during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O9A)

    • Mechanical complication of respirator [ventilator] (J95.850)

    • Poisoning and toxic effects of drugs and chemicals (T36-T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4 or 6)

    • Postprocedural fever (R50.82)

  • Specified complications classified elsewhere, such as:



  1. 2024

    No changes

  2. 2023

    No changes

  3. 2022

    No changes

  4. 2021

    No changes

  5. 2020

    No changes

  6. 2019

    No changes

  7. 2018

    No changes

  8. 2017

    Code changed

    • Use additional code

        • code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5)
        • code(s) to identify the specified condition resulting from the complication
        • code to identify devices involved and details of circumstances (Y62-Y82)
        • code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5)
  9. 2016

    New code